Director of Digital Marketing,

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of

Rhode Island

Colette is extremely creative and is able to draw from multiple experiences to come up with thoughtful and unique solutions to marketing challenges. Colette is adept at listening and pulling together program and project requirements that help to energize and drive the team forward to achieve goals.


Senior Graphic Designer,

The Allied Group

I worked directly with Colette at The Allied Group where she was Marketing Communications Manager. Colette was responsible for all creative initiatives within our department, from concept to completion. She worked closely with our diverse clientele to learn their specific needs and worked with our team to create a plan on how best to reach our clients goals. She created estimates, managed budgets, provided art/creative direction on all projects, presented concepts, worked with our sales reps to make sure projects stayed on course—and the result was always successful.

Our collaborations pushed me to be a better designer and reach another level of thoughtfulness and creativity...and we had a lot fun while doing so!

Colette’s biggest strength is her communication skills—whether through design, writing, art direction, client management or creating marketing strategies, she has a unique ability to handle it all and handle it well. Any organization will immediately feel her impact—she is an invaluable asset.


Vice President,


Colette has had a large impact on growing the TAGmedica division. Colette’s understanding of the business, coupled with her design and marketing experience helped us create a winning experience for our clients. Colette’s greatest strength is her ability to understand our BioTech clients’ business goals, and then create designs that captured the essence of their mission. More than once, I entered a presentation with a proposed design from Colette, where the customer asked if they could use it because it was better than what they had originally paid for. I have no doubt that Colette will make an outstanding contribution to any organization.



Falcone Communications and Design

Colette possess that unique combination of design, management and communication skills. In working with her on various creative projects during the years, I discovered her confidence and experience presented through a calm demeanor. That brings out the best in everyone and is such an important asset when managing people and understanding what a client needs. Colette will make any company she works for a better place as well as being a strong contributor to their success.


Director of Business Planning

and Operations,

Cambia Health Solutions

Colette is an outstanding communicator and project manager. She has an excellent eye for detail while being results oriented. While working together she proved, on a number of occassions, to be the voice of reason when client expectations exceeded time and budget constraints.

Her ability to quickly translate the “vision” into an actual product is superb. I highly recommend Colette. She would make an excellent addition to any team.


Director of Interactive,

United Creations

Colette is a highly organized, detail-minded creative, which (as coders everywhere already know) is hard to find. When crunch time hits, she’s one of the best listeners in her field I’ve ever worked with, an attribute which has turned nightmarish projects into merely irritating ones. I can’t recommend someone more highly.


Graphic Designer & Videographer,


Colette was my first ever graphic design mentor at my first ever graphic design internship. At the time she was working at the Allied Group and although she was busy, she always made time to sit down with me and go though my designs together. Her guidance and patience were extremely beneficial for me in these foundation years of learning how to work in an office space and working with teams outside of my area of expertise. She was extremely helpful and clear with her critiques and never left me feeling confused. Overall I’m extremely lucky to have had Colette as a mentor and I know she will be a truly valuable asset to any team.



Stauch, Vetromile & Mitchell

The quality of Colette’s design work and the professionalism that she brings to the table make it easy for me to recommend her to a client. The fact that Colette is also a pleasure to work with makes me feel even more comfortable passing her name along to others.



Delaware Public Media

I realized our company had made the right decision to hire Colette as a marketing and creative consultant the day of our first major fundraising meeting.

When the CEO opened the folder and saw the presentation materials Colette had developed, he said out loud, “Wow!” ... and then added quietly, “you know, the little things really do make a big difference.

I was so proud, and grateful! Colette has taken our startup to a whole new level; it was wonderful to see the CEO of a major local corporation impressed with our polish — thanks to her work. My partner was equally thrilled, and it definitely set our meeting off to a great start.

I don’t think I had anticipated what a different tone gets set, from the get-go, when you are able to hand the corporate officer such an elegant, well-crafted set of materials.

Colette’s work goes beyond beautiful design ... to creative troubleshooting, endless patience, and continuous enthusiasm! We attribute much of the success of our fundraising campaign to her counsel and materials.


Director Broker Relations,

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of

Rhode Island

As Director of Broker Relations, I had many occasions to work closely with Colette on strategic messaging with our distribution partners which was essential to building trust and sales. I could always count on her to understand the business needs of my segment. With her guidance and direction we revamped our broker website for improved user interface and updated platform. She showed great commitment to serving her internal stakeholders and was always a pleasure to work with. She would be an asset to any organization.



Cote & D'Ambrosio:

Colette is an outstanding designer and an excellent creative communicator in both online and offline mediums. She was a great asset to our agency.


Regional Marketing Lead,


While at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island I hired Colette to work as a Communications Lead focused on our Commercial Business Marketing. She has a very strong skill set in design and digital marketing which were assets needed for the team.

While Colette worked for me, she developed strong relationships with our Commercial Leaders and our Marketing team as she learned about the industry, our products and services, and the organization overall. She was positive, always looking for creative solutions and focused on delivering results for the team.

I would recommend Colette as a Marketing Communications Professional, particularly in roles that have a digital and design need.


Department Head - Industrial Design, 

Rhode Island School of Design

When Colette approached me with the idea of involving my RISD Industrial design students in a philanthropic initiative to benefit Hasbro Children’s Hospital, I was immediately struck by her sincerity and her professionalism. Being an alum positioned Colette well but it was her talent and passion that got the students excited.

Colette’s determination to complete the job well was wonderful to see. She organized the kick-off event, wrote the press releases, contacted print and TV media outlets, developed the graphics for the signage, pamphlet and sales tags. She even constructed the booth and made a compelling display of the student’s work.

I was so proud and pleased with this project, not only in what it taught my students about using their talents to give back to the community, but with the opportunity to have an accomplished alumnae work with them and demonstrate a level of professionalism that we want them to aspire to.

Colette is a valuable team member. She’s very talented but incredibly humble, is an extremely hard worker, has a great ‘trained’ eye, and has a calm, professional and honest demeanor. I have loved working with her for these reasons. Colette has her feet on the ground but she’s imaginative, creative and knows how to see a project through to completion. In my book, that makes her a winner.




I have worked with Colette on several projects over the years and she stands out as a designer with great aesthetic skills but also has the ability to understand the vision of a project and execute on the creative direction that her clients are seeking. Additionally, as a highly organized project manager she is always able to prioritize to complete a project on time and within budget, while keeping her client’s interests at the fore. As a developer it’s been a pleasure to work with her both as a creative designer and project / client manager, and I have no doubt she would be an invaluable asset to any team.

ROBERT MANCINI, Executive Director

Rhode Island Society of Certified Public

Accountants (RISCPA)

In her capacity as Associate Creative Director at Cote & D’Ambrosio, Colette was assigned creative and operational oversight of RISCPA’s upgraded webdesign.
Her vast knowledge of web and graphic related functions allowed us to successfully complete our project on time and within budgetary parameters. Particularly impressive was her hands-on follow through both during (and) post launching. Without hesitation, I would strongly recommend Colette.


Senior Software Engineer

I have enjoyed working with Colette on three projects of varying size and scope. Colette is a very talented, smart and creative designer with the ability to juggle the various requirements of a project with patience and a sense of humor. Whether it is breaking down a large project into manageable tasks or expertly nudging images a pixel or two, Colette would bring definite value to any team or project.



Three years ago I began working with Colette Stall to come up with an author web site. I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. The “virtual resume” I sought to create conveys a flavor of my work and myself, and provided exactly what I’d hoped in terms of attracting readers, agents and editors.

The part I enjoyed best was brainstorming. She had me tear through my house and pull every image, album cover, book jacket, and message that I connected to, whether or not it had anything directly to do with the writing samples I’d provided — to help her get an idea of who I was. She came up with three different concepts, all of which appealed, and I was well-pleased with the final results.

I hesitated at first to have my image so flagrantly flaunted in the mast head, but she insisted that this was good business sense and she was right. Having my picture prominently displayed in the logo that was also reproduced on my business cards put an image as well as a face to a name. People I meet at conferences tell me that my pink card with the stunning design jumps out from the rest they collect in passing.

I can recommend Colette as someone who can provide excellent design and whose collaborative process was educational and inspiring.


Partner (retired)

DeMartin, DeMarona, Cranstoun,

Downes (DMCD)

Colette was with our design, communications and marketing firm for two years. During the time she was here she was a valuable asset who made important creative contributions that further established the high quality standards and reputation of our firm.

Our employees can attest that Colette was a popular, resourceful and conscientious fellow-worker. I can personally vouch for her outstanding character, intelligence, talent and dedication. There is no doubt in my mind that she would quickly become a most valued member of any creative organization.