Einstein's Instagram | recruitment mailing
Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign
Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign
Southern New Hampshire University  | yield campaign
Brandeis University | recruitment mailing
Post University | "yield' campaign
Brandeis University | search campaign
Brandeis University | recruitment mailing
Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign
Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign
Einstein's Instagram | recruitment mailing
Einstein's Instagram | recruitment mailing

Brandeis History Meets Social Media. This direct mail campaign was designed to entice prospective Brandeis applicants by conveying the university's rich intellectual culture and pedigree in a way that this target audience of 16 and 17 year-olds could relate to. Unexpected, memorable and fun!

Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign
Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign

My team was challenged by SNHU to activate a promising yet completely unresponsive list of leads comprised of 15,500 high school juniors. The list's stats and demographics met the profile of what 'should have been'prime targets for receptivity to communications from SNHU Undergraduate Admissions. Yet, SNHU's 9 separate attempts to reach out to them had generated no interest.

To prompt these prospects to engage, we sought to discover if and how we could effectively segment them in order to develop targeted content that would speak to suspected motivating factors.

Our analysis of the data SNHU provided made it evident we had adequate information to make reasonable inferences about these targets. Inferences led to our definition of 3 separate 'personas' for whom we created carefully crafted content to motivate in a particular way.

In 5 weeks, we contacted 15,448 students, reached 13,844 of them, with 1384 of those responding in some positive manner to our print or electronic deliverables. Our multi-channel campaign yielded a 10% response rate.

Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign
Southern New Hampshire University | multi-channel recruitment campaign

My team was challenged by SNHU to activate a promising yet completely unresponsive list of leads comprised of 15,500 high school juniors. The list's stats and demographics met the profile of what 'should have been'prime targets for receptivity to communications from SNHU Undergraduate Admissions. Yet, SNHU's 9 separate attempts to reach out to them had generated no interest.

To prompt these prospects to engage, we sought to discover if and how we could effectively segment them in order to develop targeted content that would speak to suspected motivating factors.

Our analysis of the data SNHU provided made it evident we had adequate information to make reasonable inferences about these targets. Inferences led to our definition of 3 separate 'personas' for whom we created carefully crafted content to motivate in a particular way.

In 5 weeks, we contacted 15,448 students, reached 13,844 of them, with 1384 of those responding in some positive manner to our print or electronic deliverables. Our multi-channel campaign yielded a 10% response rate.

Southern New Hampshire University  | yield campaign
Southern New Hampshire University | yield campaign

"Yield" in college admissions is the percentage of students who choose to enroll in a college or university after having been offered admission. This yield piece encourages admitted students to enroll at SNHU by conveying variable, highly personalized and new-student-centric messaging within a design direction that's been informed by the technology and social media platforms that high school students use most.

Brandeis University | recruitment mailing
Brandeis University | recruitment mailing

Brandeis had a desire for a recruitment piece that would give a nod to the diverse and impressive achievements of its notable alumni.

Post University | "yield' campaign
Post University | "yield' campaign

Post University had undergone a recent and dramatic brand overhaul when we began this project. Since the new design direction was unique, complex and sophisticated, I encouraged our design team to spend the necessary time to truly absorb the nuances outlined in Post’s new style guidelines.

My team's initial (and significant!) resistance eventually gave way to enthusiasm as they embraced the new design standards. This piece became one of my team’s favorite visual directions we’d ever developed for a higher-ed client.

Brandeis University | search campaign
Brandeis University | search campaign

'Brandeis Faces'. Highlights Brandeis history, shows Brandeis today, highlights student achievements and personalized for the recipient. Engaging message presented in a familiar social media looking environment reminicent of ‘Facebook’ This direct mail campaign was designed to entice prospective Brandeis applicants by conveying the university's accomplished alumni in a familiar, social media inspired design environment that this target audience of 16 and 17 year-olds could relate to. 

Brandeis University | recruitment mailing
Brandeis University | recruitment mailing

‘Famous Quotations via Words with Friends’. Direct mail piece featuring inspiring quotations by high profile persons who have a connection to Brandeis. Each quote is presented in an interactive puzzle format, reminicent of the online game environment, ‘Words with Friends’ which is familiar and popular with this target audience.

Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign
Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign

I was copywriter, art director and project manager for this direct mail project whose objective was to promote Wentworth's certificate programs to the ambitious but full-time working individual focused on careers related to the engineering and construction industries.

Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign
Wentworth Institute of Technology | recruitment campaign

I was copywriter, art director and project manager for this direct mail project whose objective was to promote Wentworth's certificate programs to the ambitious but full-time working individual focused on careers related to the engineering and construction industries.
