Plan International, USA | Powerpoint
Plan International, USA | Powerpoint
Meeting Street | fundraising letters
Meeting Street | collateral
Meeting Street | collateral
Mystic Aquarium | annual appeal
Delaware Public Media | brand development
Delaware Public Media | annual report
Delaware Public Media | website design/development
Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness
Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness
RX Response | trifold collateral
RX Response | tradeshow booth
St. Elizabeth Community | annual appeal
South Providence Development Corporation | annual report
North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce | 'Women of Wickford' calendar
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Rhode Island | fundraising invitation
Reach Out and Read!, Rhode Island Chapter | annual appeal
Plan International, USA | Powerpoint
Plan International, USA | Powerpoint

I consider it a gift when my professional skills are put to use for initiatives that I believe in. I designed and managed the development details of this powerpoint presentation which was created as a 'donor prospectus' for international human relief organization, Plan International, USA. This project stands out as one of the most rewarding of my career.

Plan International, USA | Powerpoint
Plan International, USA | Powerpoint

I consider it a gift when my professional skills are put to use for initiatives that I believe in. I designed and managed the development details of this powerpoint presentation which was created as a 'donor prospectus' for international human relief organization, Plan International, USA. This project stands out as one of the most rewarding of my career.

Meeting Street | fundraising letters
Meeting Street | fundraising letters

From 2011 to 2015, it was my distinct privilege to work closely with the Meeting Street development team in the role of strategist, writer and creative manager for their ongoing fundraising efforts. 
I couldn’t be more grateful for having been an instrument in the ensemble of efforts that bolstered and broadened the accessibility to the dedicated, life-changing and truly miraculous work that Meeting Street does for children and families in southern New England, every single day.

Meeting Street | collateral
Meeting Street | collateral
Meeting Street | collateral
Meeting Street | collateral
Mystic Aquarium | annual appeal
Mystic Aquarium | annual appeal

The research required to write appeals for Mystic Aquarium is as enjoyable to me as the actual writing and creative management itself. The interviews I conduct with the passionate scientists and environmentalists at Mystic Aquarium always leave me feeling inspired and motivated to tell their story in the most compelling ways I can.

Delaware Public Media | brand development
Delaware Public Media | brand development

Entrepreneur and veteran non-profit news journalist Micheline had an ambitious vision to bring a non-profit news source to her newly adopted home state of Delaware. It was nothing short of energizing to work with her, her team and to provide marketing counsel and materials for their major fundraising efforts. That fundraising drive got them the foothold they needed to realize Micheline's vision! I'm thrilled I was able to help Delaware Public Media establish their branding and then roll that out to their website design, marketing materials and annual report. 

Delaware Public Media | annual report
Delaware Public Media | annual report

Entrepreneur and veteran non-profit news journalist Micheline had an ambitious vision to bring a non-profit news source to her newly adopted home state of Delaware. It was nothing short of energizing to work with her, her team and to provide marketing counsel and materials for their major fundraising efforts. That fundraising drive got them the foothold they needed to realize Micheline's vision! I'm thrilled I was able to help Delaware Public Media establish their branding and then roll that out to their website design, marketing materials and annual report. 

Delaware Public Media | website design/development
Delaware Public Media | website design/development

Entrepreneur and veteran non-profit news journalist Micheline had an ambitious vision to bring a non-profit news source to her newly adopted home state of Delaware. It was nothing short of energizing to work with her, her team and to provide marketing counsel and materials for their major fundraising efforts. That fundraising drive got them the foothold they needed to realize Micheline's vision! . I'm thrilled I was able to help Delaware Public Media establish their branding and then roll that out to their website design, marketing materials and annual report. 

visit their site

Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness
Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness

I was strategic and creative lead for public awareness campaign “Don’t Buy, Don’t Supply” for the Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Task Force.

It was incredibly satisfying when this multi-channel campaign not only won multiple, national industry awards, but achieved its purpose of measurably reducing the number of alcohol related adolescent injuries and deaths in that region in the months and year that followed campaign close

Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness
Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force | public awareness

I was strategic and creative lead for public awareness campaign “Don’t Buy, Don’t Supply” for the Middletown-Newport Substance Abuse Task Force.

It was incredibly satisfying when this multi-channel campaign not only won multiple, national industry awards, but achieved its purpose of measurably reducing the number of alcohol related adolescent injuries and deaths in that region in the months and year that followed campaign close

RX Response | trifold collateral
RX Response | trifold collateral
RX Response | tradeshow booth
RX Response | tradeshow booth
St. Elizabeth Community | annual appeal
St. Elizabeth Community | annual appeal

I subscribe to the philosophy that a society's greatness can be measured by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. Ensuring proper and compassionate care for the elderly and infirm among us holds a special place in my heart. St. Elizabeth Community delivers the kind of care that serves as an example of the kind of practices that contribute to making our society great.

It was an honor to work with the St. E staff and Barbara's family in order to compose and present Barbara's story. This annual appeal benefitted the organization that has embraced, cares for and has grown to love her.

South Providence Development Corporation | annual report
South Providence Development Corporation | annual report
North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce | 'Women of Wickford' calendar
North Kingstown Chamber of Commerce | 'Women of Wickford' calendar
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Rhode Island | fundraising invitation
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Rhode Island | fundraising invitation
Reach Out and Read!, Rhode Island Chapter | annual appeal
Reach Out and Read!, Rhode Island Chapter | annual appeal